1. Americans will celebrate Labor Day this coming weekend. Do you know what we're actually celebrating? (without consulting your friends Google or wikipedia, ahem) What's a project you're currently 'laboring' over?
Labor Day is set aside to honor the working people who make up the backbone of our great country. I am currently 'laboring' over finishing items for a primitive swap that I joined, although it is so much fun to make the autumn things that it really isn't work
2. Labor Day also signals the unofficial end of summer for most of us...what summer food will you miss the most? If you're in the southern hemisphere feel free to substitute winter for summer.
I love all the fruits of summer, especially watermelon. Watermelon and summer just go together.
3. A well known proverb states, 'It's easier to seek forgiveness than ask permission.' Your thoughts?
Being the somewhat foolhardy person that I am, I tend to agree. If we waited for all the votes to be in, we would never get anything done. Have I made mistakes with my rashness? Of course, but I enjoyed the challenge of being bold.
4. Food critic, film critic, book critic, art critic....which hat would you most like to wear?
Art Critic. I so love art. I read a lot, but do it for fun and would hate to have to analyse everything. Food critic--I eat anything, and like everything so that wouldn't work, and I have a hard time sitting though movies.
5. When you were a kid, who (besides your parents) was your favorite adult?
Living on a ranch, pretty much isolated from the world, the only other adult that I had contact with was my school teacher, and for the most part loved each one I had. When I was 8 or 9 we started going to church, and I liked my Sunday School teachers.
6. The astronaut, Neil Armstrong, passed away last week. He was regarded as a hero by many generations of people all around the world. Do we still have modern day heroes? What makes someone a hero?
I think that each one of our service men are heroes. They volunteered to do a job that puts them in harms way. Also most of our policemen, firemen and emergency responders are heroes. They put our needs above their own safety.
7. I never get tired of __reading. Since I got my Kindle, I probably read 3 or 4 books a week. Most of them free.
8. Insert your own random thought here.
Most Labor Days I go camping with my daughter, but this year I am staying home and doing art projects. I will enjoy the quiet time.