Thursday, December 31, 2009

A Time for New Beginnings

I know that all of us anticipate the new year and what it holds for us.  Will I be happy? will I have a job? will I be able to improve my relationships with family and friends?  will I be able to achieve my goals? 

We look back thru the past year, and evaluate what we accomplished, where we succeded, where we failed and what lessons we can carry into this new year, the clean slate that we have before us.

For me the past year has been a year for closing of one door and the chance to open another.  I retired from my job, and am now free to pursue my interest in art and writing.  My house was damaged extensively by water, and I was displaced for several months, but now that I just moved back, it is like moving into a new house, another new beginning. 

I have many goals for the new year, some I'll accomplish, and others will be a work in progress.  I want every day to be an opportunity to move forward, but still have time to explore all the wonders around me.