Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Lunch at Wapiti

It was lunch recess at Wapiti, the one room school I attended when I was a kid. As you entered the building, there was a shelf where all the lunch pails were lined up. In nice weather we ate our lunches outside, sitting on the porch, When it was cold, we could eat in the library.  
Lunch consisted of a sandwich, wrapped in wax paper that we must save to use for the week–maybe peanut butter and jelly, fried egg, or perhaps cheese, and a cookie for dessert or as a special treat–a pancake left over from breakfast, sprinkled with powdered sugar and rolled up tight, and a thermos of milk, fresh from the cows the night before.  
After we finished eating we played outside. In winter weather we made paths in the snow and played fox and geese, or made snow angels.  We always had big snowmen families posed around the playground. The older boys made igloos that the girls weren’t allowed in.  In nice weather we played "Annie, Annie Over, Red Rover or Tag.  There was a slide, three swings, and monkey bars in the far corner of the playground.  The boys always had a game of marbles going on.  Then before we knew it, lunch hour was over, and it was back to class.


  1. I remember those days! I don't think there are many of us left that remember the one room schoolhouses. I attended one when I was very young.

  2. You just described a day in my elementary school life perfectly. While the boys shot marbles I was leading a group in laying out stone houses! xo Diana

  3. It's always such fun to take a walk with you down memory lane, Marti! You share many things that a lot of us can relate to.

  4. WOW... did this take me back... to the lunch benches... and the peanut butter and jelly sandwiches and the jumprope recesses! thanks for the memories!

  5. I can almost see you folding up your wax paper to save for the week, Marti! What a lovely post! Hugs, Janice

  6. I too have fond memories of lunch time at school (probably goes back to my love of EATING!!! LOL). My kids now have 20 minutes to suck down their lunches. We still pack our kids' lunches (much the same what you mentioned: sandwich, a treat, and usually a piece of fruit). But it isn't quite the fun time like we experienced.

  7. What a lovely memory! I remember lunch time so well, especially when we were able to go outside and run around. So much fun. Enjoy your day!

  8. Oh, I love this walk down memory lane, Marti!! I couldn't wait for lunch because my best friend and I would buy a back of nuts and split them...we were about 6 or 7 and we'd count them out and made a game of it--so funny what kids do, isn't it? xo Cindy

  9. I loved lunch when I was in elementary school. I had a Cinderella lunch box with a matching thermos, and it always made whatever was inside special - even if it was just bologna and cheese.
    Lunch was also about hopscotch, Red Rover, kickball, the swings, the merry-go-round... Such fun! :-)

  10. I didn't go to a school with one room, but I can close my eyes and imagine what that must have been like. I loved lunch time when I was in elementary school also. Some days I took lunch to school and some days bought lunch from the cafeteria. It was always a time to talk to my little friends and recess always followed. Thank you for sharing your memories! I stumbled your post... when you have time could you please go take a look at my post Tasty Eggplant Appetizers and give it a stumble.


  11. So lovely. I can't believe you remember so much of your childhood. I remember virtually nothing about mine. Big things, but certainly no detail. This is really wonderful.

  12. I stumbled your blog post. My post is http://www.beautywithmary.com/2012/01/avon-brochure.html

  13. I’m stopping by from Stumble Tumble Tuesday and just stumbled you – great post! My post is http://carolinacouponer.com/2012/01/tasty-tuesday-12412-chicken-divan.html -- Thanks :)
