Friday, June 8, 2012

Friday Favorite Things

friday favorite things | finding joy
These are a few of my favorite things this week

Granddaughter turns eighteen
Father and Daughter Sharing a sweet moment (cupcakes) 
Grandson--the fearsome football player
Lifting hands in praise


Each week, Hilary at Feeling Beachie lists four statements with a blank for you to fill in on your own blogs. If you want to join the fun and come up with four fill in’s of your own, please email them to her at If she uses them, she will add you as co-host to the hop! 
1.       When I _go to bed__ I _fall asleep within minutes___
2.       I wish I was _more like my mom.  She was such a good example, and had so much patience .
3.       If the world is my oyster then __I'll have mine breaded and fried.

4.       My favorite meal of the day is _lunch_ and the food I think would be my favorite to eat then would be _a large salad--either a taco salad, or a seafood salad, or a Caesar salad with grilled chicken, or most any other kind of salad._


  1. I really liked your lunch choice. A very good one indeed.

  2. I have some fried oysters, too! Yummy!

    And that does look like the cacti are lifting hands to praise. ;-)

  3. Your granddaughter is stunning, Marti! Love the pix of your cacti!

  4. I wish I could fall right to sleep.... ahhhh those were the days :)

  5. I like your lunch choice as well. I love salads! I fall asleep fast, now staying asleep is the problem :(

  6. I wish I could have learned a lesson from your mom.. I can use patience!

  7. Like the lunch choice! I'm a big salad as a meal eater in the summer (soup as a meal in winter!)

  8. Your grandchildren are adorable, don't use that word with your 18 year old, beautiful, she is beautiful! I bet she is excited and Dad?

    I haven't had a Taco Salad in years, I use to eat them all the time, when I worked and would go out to lunch on Friday with co-workers. Now, being home I tend to do less healthy lunches, like a lean cuisine in the microwave. I need a Taco Salad, looks so good!

  9. Happy birthday to your granddaughter! I also fall asleep very quickly - it's a gift. Now I think I'll go make myself a salad...

    Have a great weekend!

  10. I love those cactus with their hands being raised. Sandie
