Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Next Adventure

As you are reading this, I am flying the friendly skies on United.I has started my much anticipated vacation.  I had had my suitcase packed for a week, my lists checked, and my itinerary confirmed.  I sort of remind me of a little kid on Christmas morning--really excited.

I will get to visit family, but also have time for exploring the Northwest.  I love to see new places, learn about our history and experience the grandeur  of creation.  My cup will be filled!


  1. Enjoy your vacation! The northwest is a beautiful place to go.

  2. Enjoy your time and take lots of pictures so you can share when you get back!

  3. I'm jealous. But then I want to travel all of the time. Not just some. Enjoy your vacation. I lived in the northwest for many years and still love it.

  4. So happy for you! Hope your trip is everything you've been expecting! Enjoy!

  5. I Hope you have a great time and have some great memories

  6. Have a fantastic time ... and be sure to take plenty of pictures to share with us when you get back! ;-)

  7. Enjoy! It's a beautiful area of the world!! : )
