Thursday, November 17, 2011

Thank Heaven for Little Boys

This sweet little guy is my youngest grandson--7 years old. He had a cold last week and missed school, I had to watch him while Mom was at work, because when she asked him how he felt, he said, "O.K. now but I think when it is language time, I'll feel bad again."  Poor kid, I had him sitting at the kitchen table, and we did a whole lot language.
He also plays football, he's the center.  Great hiker.  So I am thankful for this happy, smart little boy.


  1. This makes me smile....and I'm feeling right now, as if I'm waving right back at him.

    Oh and the hair post below this, just makes me shake my head and still smile at the same time, remembering my days of youth so long ago...doing things to make my parents shake there heads at me too. LOL

    DUCK SONG -- and photos of ducks 'round town.

  2. He is so cute - I have two grandsons myself. One of them turned one today. How nice of you to watch him. Hope he is feeling better. Very sweet. sandie

  3. Your grandchildren are really nice-looking kids! Too funny about Language Arts Class! Hope you're having a nice day!

  4. Kids say the cutest things! He's a cutie patootie!

  5. So cute. I've always said it takes a special person to raise boys. I have two and ... it's something new every day. :)

  6. I love how the two grandsons are so different right now.
    Keeps you young and on your toes, I bet! :)

  7. I've enjoyed seeing your grandchildren today. All unique, all special, all children of God. Lucky (blessed) you!

  8. You are so blessed. He looks like a great one.

  9. Aw, how sweet! What a precious gift those grandchildren are. :-)

  10. So cute. Kids with grandparents in their lives on a regular basis are so blessed.

  11. My son played basketball and baseball... wishes now he would have played football!

    Blessings, Debbie

  12. I had a son, who played center too. And one, who was his quarterback. :-) Great memories.

    Gentle hugs,
    "May your stuffing be tasty
    May your turkey plump,
    May your potatoes and gravy
    Have nary a lump.
    May your yams be delicious
    And your pies take the prize,
    And may your Thanksgiving dinner
    Stay off your thighs!"

    ~~~Author Unknown
